Friday, February 24, 2012

Back from the dead, with LOADS of pictures!

After a few months of absence from blogging, here I am. Our computer crashed and I got used to going without one.

Anyway, nothing exciting is really going on with us. We are just trying to plug along through this DREA DFUL semester of school with Nolan. He is suspected to be done next winter semester. Can't come fast enough. He is so busy, the poor guy. He gets home about 11 o'clock at night. He does come home most days for lunch so Brielle and I can spend an hour with him. We miss him lots when he is gone, but so proud of him for all his countless hours of work and school.

Brielle: as usual is growing up fast. She is learning so much, and is such a smart little girl!

-She has such a fun spunky, and sassy personality.

-She is going to nursery very soon (mommy is not a fan of this idea)

-Everytime Nolan walks in the door Brielle gets so silly and shows off for him. Falls on her bum, goes in circles, dances, anything to get all the built up excitment out of her little body.

-She loves to dress up.

-She loves to GO, GO, GO.

-SHe is not a child that stays entertained for long, she is busy!

-She loves to go swimming.

-She is OBSESSED with reading books, it seems like that is the only thing that keeps her entertained for a long period of time.

-She still loves baby einstein!

-She is just our little sweet girl, who is my whole world.

-Currently my favorite things she does are: after I sneeze she says: "Bessh Yoo" and giggles. I love when she says President Monson. She knows everyones names but couldn't say her own till a couple of days ago it is darling she says "B" --elle! I LOVE how she tries so jump, she tries so hard to get those feet off the ground but just isn't there yet!

Well there is a very short update on us. Now for what you all care about..PICTURES!

Daddy went out the first snow fall and pulled Brielle around in the sled she loved it! Then he made a snow man for us to decorate!

She looks so grown up these days, Hmmmm.. will it ever slow down? Isn't she cute in her snow get up?

AND A FEW OF CHRISTMAS! SHe was so fun this year. She LOVED her elmo that does the hokey pokey. The funny thing is...she has never even seen or watched elmo!

ALL BRIELLE'S LOOT!! SHe must have been good this year!

Her face watching elmo

New Jammies! THis is a good before picture of NOlan. We both started a weight loss goal this year and he has already lost 21 pounds!! He looks FANTASTIC!!! I will have to post a picture of him!

Daddy's little buddy!

You have to throw in some super cute bathtub ones too!

SO these next couple are of a night when NOlan was working out in the garage. Brielle wanted to play with her car so bad. We had to get her coat on and she played in the garage forever!!!

These are the most recent pictures of her, last week she just looked so stinking cute with her piggies. We just love her! I think she is so beautiful and I am lucky to be her mom!

Here she is playing with my headband, dressing up then taking it off then putting it on and walking around like she knows she is pretty, then takes it off...REPEAT. Such a girly girl.

Brielle reading with dad. NOtice the growing pile on the otoman. She LOVES books!