Friday, September 2, 2011

An all about BRIELLE update

Wanna know what's going on with us?? BRIELLE is growing like a weed! She is SO much fun! She is my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way! Some updates on her...

Brielle's words:
She can say all of these when asked, but does not say them as her vocabulary (like she does not say "mama" when she wants me). The acception: DOG--if she sees a dog she will say it.
- "Dah" =Dog
- "mama"
- "dada"
- "Buh buh"
- "Puuh puuh"= Pa pa (cute she just says it with air like if your were puff some air with a "p" sound before it.

Brielle's Tricks and Talents:
-Whistles (puts her mouth in an "O" and blows air)
-Blinks (squishes her eye lids together and nods her head at the same time)
-Knows what a fish says
-Shows you one finger when you ask how old she is
-Waves bye bye
-Takes up to 3 steps alone
-gives kisses
-climbs the stairs
-pats my chest when you ask where is mama?
-knows where her nose is and other peoples noses
-knows where her belly is
-knows where her toes are
-blows kisses complete with a Muuuah sound
-Plays Peek a Boo
-Has 4 teeth
-can sign: all done, and more

Brielle Loves:
-To read
-To be outside
-her blanket
-Her mommy
-going on walks
-Stuffed animals
-watching movies of herself
-Her Daddy