I absolutely LOVE the 4th of July! I have been so excited to dress a baby up for the 4th and now I finally was able to! I am so grateful for our great country and the freedoms we enjoy. THanks to all those who have helped in our cause for freedom. The 4th was fun filled and spent with family.
Our cute little firecracker!
So proud and grateful to daddy.

Brielle all dolled up in her red white and blue!
Fun with Papa! My dad and Brielle are best buds. SHe loves him and he can get her to smile at the drop of a hat, and has since day one.
Brielle got this bear from a float at the parade. SHe is OBSESSED with it and kept giving it "loves" it was adorable!!

THIS IS OUR VIEW OF THE PARADE!! Note: Left: two women red and blue chairs. Middle: grown adults with NO class. Right: THe massive group of people who made their way in front of us. BOTTOM: DO you see my sisters head in this pic? Litterally we stared and this groups bums if we were sitting!
At the ridiculously packed Kaysville parade. Brielle had fun and waved at everything passing by.
OK FOR THE NEXT PICTURE: We had some "issues" with the kaysville parade this year and we will NOT be going next year. So--we put out our blankets Saturday night at midnight, did the work and stayed up late to do so. (an awful story in and of itself)
We get to the parade on Monday and have a great spot, just enough for our whole family to sit on the edge of the road. When a few min. before the parde starts the people in the yard next to us, decide that their spot is IN THE ROAD, DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF OUR SEATS. LITTERALLY!!! Are you kidding me people?! Have some class!!
You don't just go stand right infront of someone and put your rear ends in our faces!! SO RUDE.
My sister Ali so politely asked them to move over and said they were standing right in front of us. THey moved over about 3 steps and then 30 seconds later were infront of us again. Two ladies from their group seriously came and stuck their chairs IN THE STREET about 4 feet in front of us!!! SO RUDE! Last time I checked the parade is coming down the street NOT YOU BLOCKING IT OFF!! SOME PEOPLE'S CHILDREN!
THIS IS OUR VIEW OF THE PARADE!! Note: Left: two women red and blue chairs. Middle: grown adults with NO class. Right: THe massive group of people who made their way in front of us. BOTTOM: DO you see my sisters head in this pic? Litterally we stared and this groups bums if we were sitting!
ANYWAY. We went swimming at my Grandpa's. Brielle is showing off her skills she learned in swimming lessons. We say 1, 2,..3!! ANd she babbles then gets the nerve and pushes herself off the side into my arms!! BIG GIRL!!