I have so many posts I could do separately but to play catch up I decided to post a bunchof pictures. Our little girl is growing up so fast. She is so much fun, and is such a joy to have in our family. She is learning new things everyday and growing like a weed. ( I will do a 9 month post shortly, with more details) Here are few of our recent pictures.
Seriously can't get much better than this. They are so peaceful and innocent.

Cute little munchkin loves to be outside.

She is the biggest cheese ball sometimes. She does this blinking thing that is so funny. She blinks really slow and is silly while she does it. She knows we think it's funny so we laugh, and she will do it over and over.

Awhile back we went to dinner with our friends. Maggie and Brielle are just days apart. Their daddy's are best friends and are only a few days apart as well!

THe girls.

Brielle is very good at keeping her hygiene up. Brushing those gums every day :)

Our happy bright eyed girl.

OK ARE YOU READY FOR THIS STINKIN CUTE PICTURE??? I LOVE IT!! *******************************

Is she not the cutest girl every! I love her cute tongue sticking out, love her in zebra stripes, love her scrunchy face, chubby arms and I just want to eat her!

THese pictures were right before she started crawling. She wanted be crawling so bad, and was trying to get the hang of it. THe little monkey!

I have a love hate relationship with this picture. It is so cute of her, but it makes her look so SO old! Where has the time gone?

Love the mischief/evil look in her eyes don't you? I don't know what she is planning but it must be something good!

Hope you enjoy the pictures of our girl. THanks for being a part of our lives, and thanks for being friends to our little family. HOpe you are all enjoying your summer. *cute little bikini body pictures comin soon!* (not mine sillies...brielle's bikini!)