Thursday, May 26, 2011

My little sidekick

I am so lucky to have a little side kick everyday! She is the perfect little buddy! She thinks I am funny. SHe doesn't care how I sing she thinks I have a good voice. She likes to be with me ALL the time. She lets me talk to her about anything. She is fun to watch. She keeps me entertained. She helps me cook and clean :) She tells me stories. She gives me smiles. She puts up with me playing dress up. She does girly girl stuff with me. She helps me get my exercise. She is my shopping buddy. She brings me joy everyday. I love you little sidekick!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Opportunities to do Good

Today I taught the relief society lesson. The topic was Opportunities to do Good by President Eyring. It was a wonderful talk that Pres. Eyring gave.

I have been thinking a lot about this the last few days, and after my lesson and the great insight from others, I want to do better at serving others. Elder Eyring promised that if things don't seem like they are going well today, that if you serve someone in need that tomorrow they will seem easier. What an awesome promise!

I think there are levels to service. First level, the easy ways to serve. When it is right in front of your face it is easy to help. Examples, when someone drops groceries, or has a flat tire, someone who stumbles, a lost child in the store etc. Not many of us would just ignore these people in need. NOT SAYING that these are not great ways to be Christlike but lets look at the next level!

Those who actively search for opportunities to help. They pray for guidance to find those in need. They turn their feelings of sympathy into a decision to act! I am so touched by these people, I want to be like them!

My Grandma Payne was an excellent example of this. My dad told me this story when we were discussing this lesson.

After she passed away a few people came up and told him of times when her service blessed their lives.

My grandma notice a woman in her ward was struggling. Just stressed and overwhelmed with things of life. My grandma didn't call her, or tell her she was coming. Grandma showed up at this ladies door and said:

"Hi! I am here to get all your laundry and your ironing."

OF course as many of us would, the lady replied :

"Oh no, no, you don't need to do that"

But my sweet grandma insisted and said back "oh yes, I want to, come on lets go gather it I will help you" So she helped this sister to gather her laundry and my grandma washed and folded and ironed this ladies clothes and quickly returned them.

Grandma didn't do it for recognition, she didn't tell anyone what she did. She did it because she wanted to help someone and wanted to serve the Lord. This woman never forgot the service, and it blessed her tremendously to know that someone cared enough to come and help her.

I know we have all been the ones in need at one time or another and have been blessed by others service. My dad brought up a good example of when our family was served. Back when my Dad was bishop we came back from d0ing something as a family and as we pulled up to our house, there was a family in our ward weeding our yard! My mom said that she felt embarrassed at first because she had 5 children who were perfectly able to weed, and oh no! Did our yard look that bad? But as we got out of the car my dad talked to the parents of this family and something to the effect of, wow, what a surprise this is! You guys didn't need to weed our yard! The mom replied, "we know your time is precious Bishop"

What a blessing to my dad. HE said he has never forgot that either. I am amazed by these types of people who have such loving and willing hearts. People who look for opportunities to serve, who do it out of love, who do it because that is just the way they are.

I want to try and work on this attribute. These people are such examples to me. Can you imagine a world if everybody decided to seek out one person to help each day? So there you have it, a resolve to do better! Hope this feeling is contagious and that we can all strive to be better servants of the Lord. Step in and help him bless others lives through us. In turn I know our lives will be blessed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Dearest BLOG BUDDIES..WHat is it YOU want?

I feel like my blog is the same old same old thing. A brief and a little caption. Activities..and mostly just my favorite thing in the whole world. BRIELLE. NOtHinG exciting. Nothing different.


WOULD YOU LIKE MORE STORIES..More WORDS? NO WORDS? Sick of the same words( I love my baby so much..she is so cute..blah blah?)


WHat could I add or take away to make it less boring, cliche, or more interesting fun..and different? What kinds of "different" posts would you like to see? HELP ME!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Miss Cool

Our little miss cool! We have been wanting to get her sun glasses cause she looks so darn cute in them and because she HATES the sun in her eyes. However, I knew it would be a waste of money because I knew she would just rip them off. I found some for a dollar..who can resist right? Made for some cute pictures!

Figures she would just want to eat them!

Love those chubby cheeks and her sweet little mouth. She was a little unsure of what we had put on her face.

Did you notice her big girl hair style?? I can't believe how much hair she has! She is our sweet girl!

This is her.."get them off" face.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Easter! We did a bunch of easter festivities this year and it was lots of fun. Although, Brielle didn't understand anything we did, its memories right?

Brielle's first easter egg hunt! Do you like her English hat?

SO tired from all that egg hunting

Then we colored eggs as a little family. Me and Nolan talked about how it was a lot more fun when we were young. Oh the magic of youth!

Daddy helping her hunt

My mom bought Brielle an easter dress. She looked SOOO cute in it! It really made her blue eyes stand out! The easter bunny visited her and brought her some fun stuff! Jammies, a book, bath toys, and some spoons, and even some money! (I don't know why the coloring is wierd in that pic)

Easter Sunday

Sweet girl!

Hope you all had a great easter, and are excited as we are about SPRING!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Big Two Five

So the day came that I turned a quarter of a century old! Not really loving getting older, but you get better with time right? Nolan made my birthday really special. I told him I didnt' want anything this year accept fun quality time. Well HE SURE TOOK IT TO HEART. He planned a date for us and we went to a cooking class! It seriously was so much fun. I reccommend to anyone looking for a fun date!

On our way, Nolan making me laugh


Birthday girl and her handsome man


It was ITalian night so we made Olive Garden salad, bruschetta, Chicken Vino Blanco, and Molten Lava Cake all from scratch! IT was amazing..and OH SO much GARLIC!!!

Saturday Night we went to a dinner at Tepanyaki--one of my favorites and we had a few suprise guests show up! It was lots of fun! Thank you everyone for making me feel special! And thank you to our babysitters that made it possible for us to go! (Amber and my parents)

I love you sweetheart, thank you for my fun Birthday and for being such a great husband! Hope you don't mind your OLD wife :)