Brielle recieved a name and a blessing by her daddy on December 12, 2010. Nolan did a fantastic job, he was so sweet preparing and took it to heart. We were so worried that she would be fussy during her blessing but she was absolutely perfect the whole day! We said a little prayer before church and it was definitely answered! Our little family.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Blessing Day
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:03 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Life in Brielle's world
Our sweet girl Brielle is 2 months old! I can't believe it! I can't imagine life with out her! She is really starting to show us personality and it is so fun to watch her change every day! I love this picture of her cuddling with Nolan. He is so sweet with her. She had her two month check up last weekend and got her shots! It was so sad, Nolan took her and I stayed home, I just didn't have the heart. He said that she did really well, and only screamed for 30 seconds until she got her bottle. She weighed 10 lbs 14 oz that is the 52 percentile, and we love her little chubby legs she is starting to get!
-Brielle had her first over night trip and stayed in a hotel for the first time. She even had a sleep over at her friend Maggie's house!
-Brielle is finally living in her new house
-Brielle is experiencing her first Christmas season. Looking at the christmas tree lights and decorations at our house, and dressing warm in her boots to go out in the cold and getting her first Christmas dress.
-Brielle had her first fever and it broke my heart, welcome to parenthood.
-Brielle has always smiled. Seriously since day one she has been a smiley baby. SHe smiles a lot and she is now becomming very responsive to talking and will give you smiles if you chat with her. She also is trying to talk back and has started little coo's. IT IS SOOO CUTE!
-Brielle started sleeping most the night from 11p.m-5:30a.m. It WAS so nice. She was very consistant for about 2 or 3 weeks, then just recently it changed back to her newborn schedule :( she wakes up at about 3a.m. and 5:30 a.m. and sometimes more.
-Brielle LOVES LOVES her baths. It is the highlight of her day I think. No matter how fussy she is once you put her in the bath she stops.
-Brielles tummy is getting better! We switched formula again and have her on a different medicine and she is not throwing up anymore, just spit up now! She seems to be a bit happier after she eats now. We are so grateful
-She loves her carseat. She loves to ride in the car and falls asleep almost instantly when she gets in her carseat. (it's the only time she naps)
We love her and she is growing so fast! She is adorable and has brought so much joy to us and our families.
Posted by The Poulson's at 4:56 PM 4 comments