So this is not going to be an entire birth story but rather a readers digest of the day Brielle came to the world.
My water broke Sunday morning, I was due to be induced Monday morning. I always wanted my water to break, i was so excited after I determined it was my water and that I indeed did not wet the bed. We got to the hospital and they started my pitocin awhile later. A few hours later I got my epidural.
Nolan and I just hanging out before that pain set it (notice the smile)

One of the hardest parts about the whole thing was my dad had to leave on a business trip at 6:00 p.m. we knew she probably would not get there until after then, but before he left we had a daddy daughter chat and I shed a few tears, I really wanted him there and I knew if he could of missed it he would. However just like my dad always does, he talked to me and made me feel better.

The sisters just hanging out at the hospital watching movies and talking.
Then came the uphill battle. Around 6 o'clock I started feeling my contractions. I thought it was just because I was laying on my side and needed to change positions, I also pushed my epidural button, we waited for it to kick in but nothing happened after about 30 min. I could move my legs and was feeling everything! I was in so much pain and Nolan helped coach me through my contractions-- I felt like I was on a Baby Story having natural childbirth. I was in tears. The nurse called the anesthesiologist and he came and gave me a bolus shot of the epidural meds to see if that would work, at the same time my mom went to flip my pillow over because I was sweating in pain. She found a wet spot on my pillow which happened to be my epidural medication--yea the tube came unscrewed and I was not getting any medication. Also at the same time the nurse checked me and I was at an 8 PLUS!!! I could not believe I was at an 8 and feeling everything!! It still was not working and I was sobbing with each contraction. The man with the drugs came in and said ok here is a direct shot of Lidacaine, you won't be able to move your legs at all!! It slowly started to work up my legs right in time for them to call the doctor and for me to push. I started pushing at 8:41 and Brielle came at 9:24. The actual labor(pushing) was so tiring but I loved it!! It was such an amazing experience! When they layed her on me, I sobbed. I was just SOO happy!! Brielle weighed 7lbs. 4oz. and 20 inches long. Nolan was amazing during the whole thing. He was supported and involved, and you should have seen him after she came out--video camera in one hand, camera in the other, and the biggest smile you have ever seen.
HOLDING my LITTLE GIRL for the first time. Right after she got weighed and measured and wiped off.


OUR AMAZING MIDWIFE, I enjoyed her so much during my entire pregnancy

Then came the adoring family. The new Payne girl Clan

And of course the EXCITED Grandma's!

First Time Grandma

Auntie Staci

Nolan changed all of her diapers in the hospital. This was her fist one.

Visitors came to see our girl. Here is Aunt Shanna and Uncle Chris

Aunt ALI

Our sweet girl has so much dark hair and EVERYONE loved it! The nurses had to call who got to give her, her bath. Also one night they brought her to me at 2:00 a.m. and she had gotten a bath and different bows. I said "oh you gave her a bath!" Then at 5:30 she came back and her hair was different and she had different bows--I asked "did you give her another bath?" No we just washed and played with her hair. It is gorgeous. We love it!

LATE LATE NIGHT at the hospital because we didn't want to giver her to the nursery yet. We just wanted to cuddle.

Then Daddy had to have his turn and they had some good cuddle time on the couch.

Going home outfit. Daddy picked it out! This is only a few hours after we finally chose her name: Brielle Melise Poulson. Can you believe this smile?

Daddy and Brielle ready to go home.

WE are beyond elated to have her in our family. I never knew the joy, love, and happiness that I could feel with having a baby. It was the best moment of my life to give birth to her and hold her for the first time. We are just completely enjoying her, and she is absolutely beautiful, I just can't get enough of her. Nolan has been an amazing dad so far. I have really really enjoyed watching him with her. The way he looks at her and talks to her brings me more happiness than I can even explain. (Ok I know, this is so much deep feeling stuff, but I just can't help it!)