FIRST THINGS FIRST: I am apologizing in advance if you are all bored with the pregnancy posts, but as always its my way of saving the memories :)
Nursery Sneak Peak: This is way more than I was going to show, but it really doesn't do any justice. This is when we first got our crib and I am IN LOVE WITH IT!!! It took a lot of shopping around and a lot of other options before we decided to invest in this one! I LOVE IT A TEN!! I am just waiting for a few last finishing touches like the curtain valance that is supposed to be here by now! I am excited for her nursery!
Painting the flowers--what a pain. It turned out so cute though!
Pregnancy Update : Our time is begining to wind down until the little munchkin gets here. Everyone is getting so excited for us and it is fun to have our family just as excited as we are. This is Sunday dinner when the baby was putting on a little show for her family! She is already spoiled by the grandparents and aunties! Every time we come over there is a discussion about baby names, what is going to happen when the final day comes (when can we come to the hospital, when are you going to call us ect.) We know this little girl is going to have LOTS of love!
THE AWESOME DAD: WOW, where do I even start...this boy is one of the best parts of pregnancy. Seeing his excitement, hearing him talk to my belly, bringing home little outfits, always asking about her, always thoughtful of how I am feeling, rubbing my back, the list goes on and on. Nolan has completely exceeded my expectations with pregnancy and he is so excited for his little girl to come. He has big plans for the two of them to be buddies. He is a proud dad already! Despite the silly picture he hasn't even put on ONE pound of pregnancy weight!PREGNANCY UPDATE: Baby girl Poulson is doing great. She moves pretty constantly now, and I LOVE IT!! Sometimes I feel like she is dancing in there. She is looking beautiful. At our last visit we got and awesome 3D picture of her and she is so cute! I wonder how close she'll look to her picture? We have added a name or two to our list. Pregnancy is going well--the summer is HOT!!! The doctor says everything looks great. Starting to worry a little bit about the whole labor thing--I think sometimes I forget that I actually have to give birth to her to get her here.
BELLY BUSTERS: My belly has kind of leveled off lately--poor thing she is running out room.
27 weeks
30 weeks
And most recent 32 weeks!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Pregnancy update and Nursery sneak peak!
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:54 AM 8 comments