My sweet friend Lauren threw me a baby shower, it was a little early because she is moving to Maryland (not happy about it). She promised me when we got pregnant that she would throw me a shower no matter what or where she was and she did!
It was SOOO cute! I loved all the PINK and GIrly things. There was even a chocolate fountain! I had such a great turn out from my friends and I am so glad they all came to share this special time with me!
A bunch of the girls there were pregnant as well, it is so fun to have lots of friends having babies together! Nolan's best friend Caden and his wife are due within days of us!! (caden and Nolan are 4 days apart!) THey are having a girl too! It is Crazy!
Also, might I add--Baby Poulson got HOOKED UP!! Thanks FRIENDS! Grammy to be!
Littlest Guest--my cutie Hallee
Lauren, Madison, Kristalyn and Jenny--Madison was intense! :)
Lauren(the shower thrower) Shanna, Staci, and Megan(due within days of me)
Tiffany, Laura, and Tawnie. (TIffany and Tawnie both just had baby boys, and Laura expecting a baby girl in August! BABY BOOM!)
Cute party favors
THE AMAZING SPREAD!! Thanks Lauren for all your hard work it turned out so great!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My 1st baby shower!!
Posted by The Poulson's at 10:04 AM 5 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
Patriotic Festivities
4th of July!!"
For the 4th we spent the day doing all the festivities! I LOVE the 4th of July! We were able to spend the day with my family, starting with the parade, lunch, and fireworks!
Waiting for the fireworks!
At the carnival
Parade with the fam.
Boiling in the sun at the parade!
Posted by The Poulson's at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
POST DISCLAIMER: this post is LONG, a little serious, and at your own risk :)
I have been thinking recently about trials. I look around at people and what they face each day, and I look back on things I have experienced. It is so easy to question during those times. Its easy to feel hopeless and have your faith waiver. However, I love the times when a little understanding comes. Understanding or gratitude for our trials.
Many of you know, that we had a hard time getting pregnant and after almost a couple of years and many many months of dissapointment, sadness, and anger. We were blessed to get pregnant. The happiness lasted a few short days when I lost the baby. It was devastating. It didn't end there, problems arose from the pregnancy and surgery followed, along with other complications that lasted a few months. During this time I remember my faith waivering. I remember questioning, I remember feeling angry and hurt. I remember feeling hopeless. It was so difficult to deal with all the emotions and as hard as I tried I was not feeling the comfort I was seeking from the Lord. I had a sweet husband, good friends, and my family who supported me, and loved me, and lent me their faith to lean on.
As time has past and I have time to heal, and contimplate that time. I have learned alot. I still don't have the full understanding of that trial. But slowly new things come into view that I couldn't see at the time.
I learned to overcome jealousy, envy, and anger towards others with babies or others who were pregnant. This was a difficult lesson. I prayed constantly that I could truely be happy for others and share in their experiences. I never fully mastered this but I tried as hard as I could. I felt like the Lord knew I was giving it my all.
I learned that Heavenly Father is there even when at times we can't feel him in the ways we expect. Heavenly Father gave me Nolan to help comfort me during this time, he was strong and I was so grateful to have him. Heavenly Father put friends in my path that truely held me up during that time. He let me feel a little bit distant from him, so that when I let go of un-godly feelings like anger and sadness I could recognize him and his presence more fully.
There are two things I felt I learned the most about during this time and one was empathy. I think I have come to realize that the reason we sometimes go through trials is not only for ourselves, but for others as well. I know during my hard time, people shared trials and experiences of their own that made me feel like I wasn't alone. I also feel like there have been a lot of people that I know that have lost babies, not been able to get pregnant, or other drastic trials. I don't know exactly what they are going through, but my heart breaks for them, I have a bigger understanding of what they might be feeling, and how to act towards them. I feel a special understanding of their grief.
I remember a long time ago before I was married I knew someone that was dealing with infertility for almost 7 years and I remember her crying when she found out someone else was pregnant. I thought to myself "Really? You can't expect peoples life to stop around you just because you aren't able to get pregnant" I feel really bad about this thought now, but it just shows the difference in my thinking since going through it myself.
I am not trying to compare my experiences to others or say I know what they feel like. Or say that my trial was so hard compared to others, Because I feel like my trial was insignificant compared to theirs. But it has helped me to feel more compassion toward them. I am grateful for that.
The other thing is being grateful for pregnancy and everything that comes with it. I am not perfect at not complaining. But I try really hard to be grateful of the blessing I have of carrying a baby right now. I remember the time when I said "I would give anything to be puking in the toilet right now, if it meant I had a baby inside me" It would make me so upset when pregnant women would complain about feeling sick, or being uncomfortable, or miserable. I just wanted to yell at them and say "atleast your feeling sick cause you have a baby in you!" Its such a miracle and such a blessing to carry a healthy baby. We take our blessings for granted sometimes. I know I am truely blessed and I am so grateful to be pregnant and carrying my little girl. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father for giving me trials and the life lessons that come from them. And the blessings he gives me along the way to make it through them. I am grateful he has blessed me with a healthy pregnancy so far and has entrusted me and Nolan to become parents.
I just want to say I am grateful for those of you who share your stories about your trials and your strength it truly helps me and I am in awe of your strength and your courage.
Posted by The Poulson's at 11:05 AM 10 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Kansas City
This year for my birthday and for our 4 year anniversary Nolan surprised me with Michael Buble concert tickets in KANSAS CITY!! It was our last little trip before our baby girl arrives. We had so much fun together, we had no schedule, no where to be, and no work calls for Nolan. It was so nice. We did lots of fun things there.
This is our GPS that we got with our rental car. She became our best friend we called her SANDRA (sandy for short). It was pretty funny, she became a joke through out the whole trip. She took us to this way way ghetto part of town by the railroad tracks and no lights and told us that's where a walmart was!!! I was freaking out. It was so CREEPY!!
Nolan thought he was so artistic to take a picture through the mirror. This is at 26 weeks.Michael Buble concert was so much fun! The opening band was awesome too!!
WE have been married 4 years, and I chose the best guy ever!
It was sooo humid there!! It was SOO hot and you always felt sweaty. This is us waiting at the concert after walking around all day!
This shirt was awesome! We should have got it.
This is Nolan by the crayola crayon color wheel!! It was awesome! THe Crayola factory store was really fun!
This is our first rental car..Nolan is still the only one of us who is old enough to rent a car, he is growing up!
Thanks Babe for such a great time and fun surprise! I love you!
Posted by The Poulson's at 11:15 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Mommy Recommendation
So I guess I need to start looking for a pediatrician. I am not sure who to go to. I know I am already sounding picky and paranoid but I really want someone who we can stay with throughout all our kids and is somewhat close. I would really like someone who is:
* EXTRA thorough.
*One who doesn't just throw medicine at you, but actually wants to figure out what the problem is, and explore all avenues.
*One who doesn't treat you like your a new stupid mom who is paranoid
*One who checks on milestones
* Friendly and DOES NOT RUSH through appointments like your just another number
*ONe that is fairly easy to get into when you need a same day appointment.
IS THERE A DOCTOR OUT THERE LIKE THIS? Somewhere in davis county? I would love to hear your recommendations or advice about choosing a pediatrician!
Posted by The Poulson's at 11:06 AM 7 comments