Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random Update

So as of now, we still don't have a computer. We found out that our mother board was going out. We were able to save all of our pictures and files thank goodness!! So I feel like I have lost touch with our blog. Nolan is so busy that who knows when we will be able to go looking for a new computer! So anyway here is a little updated post with random things that are on my mind.

1. Will's little brother will be arriving here soon! He is due to come April 10th. I can't wait to see this little guy and be able to take care of a baby again!

2. I love NOlan. He is so busy with work and school. He juggles everything so well! He is so loving and treats me so good. I often times (especially lately) feel like I don't deserve him. He is inspiring to me. He truely loves life and makes me laugh everyday.

3. I love my family. I have thought about moving away from utah, or even 30-40 min. away from where they live. Now I think I couldn't live more than 15 min. away. It would kill me. I love going over for sunday dinner and laughing and talking for hours!

4. I have learned so much about friends lately. Some that opened up to me about amazing things they have experienced, hard times, and all who have give me hope and encouragment. They make me feel like I am not alone in things I experience. I am grateful for the new friendships that have opened up for me in the last little bit.

5. I am grateful for friends..PERIOD. I don't know how I could live in a world with no friends.

6. I am so ready for spring! I am also ready for some summer watermelon!

7. I need to cook more.

8. I need more energy.

9. My little sister is getting married in May. I can't believe it, she still seems so young to me. Her fiance and her and quite a match and seem so happy!

10. Am I really turning 24 this april? And I have already been married 3 1/2 years. CRAZY!

11. I want a house.


13. I am lucky to have him.

14. I love my little WILL!

15. Hopefully soon I can share pictures on this blog, and hopefully soon we can get our own computer.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kids say the cutest things!

The other day I was having a little bit of a bad day and I was on the phone and a few tears escaped my eyes when this cute little guy said this:

Will: "Ja Ja (jani) have water on face?"

Me: "Yes, Jani has water on face"

Will: (very concerned look, and intent concentration on these water dropplets) " Wipe it off wiff towel"

He proceeded to get a towel from the kitchen and wipe my face off. Now if that doesn't make you smile and turn a bad day into a good one, I don't know what will.

I love this little guy so much! He is a big part of my life and makes me smile everyday! I love you Will! (thanks tiff I got the pic from your computer)