Thursday, October 29, 2009

Advice from you LADIES!!

Hey all you ladies out there I need some input!----
I am thinking of switching OB/GYN doctors. I like my doctor, but what is the point of having a doctor if you always have to see their midwife, or another doctor at the facility. It seems like no matter my situation, emergency or not, I can't get into my doctor and it is really frustrating. So I was any of you LOVE your doctor? Obviously close to davis county, someone who is trusting, caring, outgoing, that you can get into if you have a problem, and one that has descent nurses to talk to? I would appreciate the input! Thanks!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween tid bit...

I love fall and the all wonderful things it brings! These are a few of the things that have brought some Halloween spirit to our Fall. First of all take a look at these cute things!!

My Halloween Bows that I made.

I went to my friend Ambers' annual Halloween party!
We had fun being dateless together! I think my costume is pretty
cute for pulling it together an hour before the party :)
Courtney, Mel, Amber, Me
Stay tuned for more Halloween to come!! This time Nolan will actually be in the pics!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tiny little venting session

I hesistate to vent on my blog, but hey its my blog right? Its kinda my journal, and I am aloud to be bugged every once in awhile. So here it is...(this is not to any one particular, it just is what it is) If you don't like what I have to say please don't share it with me, you don't have to agree with me and that's ok. So here it is...
So I am sure every married couple has experienced this. The AGE OLD QUESTION.."so when do you guys think you will have kids?" I can not tell you how many billions of times we have been asked this..PEOPLE seriously!!! I hate to tell ya this, but it is mine and Nolan's business. I promise when we do decided to have a baby and I do get pregnant, you will all know! It's something you can't hide. Yes we have been married for 3 years and 4 months!! I know I know, in utah time that is forever to wait to have a baby! We are LOVING life the way it right now and are totally 100% enjoying it being us. We plan to have kids in the future. We look forward to the day when we can share this excitment with everyone, but for now its Nolan and Janica married for 3 years and 4 months with no prospective children in the near future, and that is all. Contrary to popular belief, I promise we are not crazy people for not being pregnant.
PHEEEEWWW...I feel better :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

One month from now...

One month from now I will be riding this....

To here...

And spending some much needed quality time with this handsome devil.....

I CANNOT WAIT!!! The month of October has been one of crazy work hours for Nolan and very little time with eachother. So tonight as I am alone while Nolan is at work my mind is wondering to better days ahead!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lake Mead with the Fam

This weekend I went to Lake Mead with my family and our friends the Gardners! It was so much fun! Nolan was not able to go with us because he had to work and move bridges! I missed him tons! (sorry these pictures are a little blurry, they aren't in my files but as soon as i load them to blogger they get blurry SO FRUSTRATING!)


The girl in front of the ALL pink icecream shop

We all get a little crazy after a 7 hour car ride!

The wind got to her :)

Staci and Jan


The Captain

The Cute couple who made it all happen!

Me! I was proud of myself, I finally mastered going over the wake and tried to get a little air...those pictures are on brandons camera though.

Once again the wind really got to her! CRAZY GIRL!
The Gardner Clan!
A few funny moments and a few inside jokes from the trip:
1. "Dad your like the make a wish foundation for our family" --Shanna
2. Our battery dying and getting jumped by the Coast gaurd officer..then right when it started up.. a storm blew in and we had to ride in the big waves!
3. Shanna aka "stinky"
4. "the challenge of the sweetest man" All the girls would read their cute texts from the boys and we would judge them to see who won--the boys had no idea!! NOLAN WON!!! He is so sweet...but the other boyfriends came in a close second. We Payne girls sure know how to pick the cute ones
5. Family videos on the way down--"eww who threw that spoon in there"