Thursday, May 28, 2009

Whats on your to do list?

The juggling act: Lately my mind has been OVER COME by "to do's" is that because I am not working on the list, or because there is too much on the list? Maybe a mixture of both! I think a part of it is that I can't get enough of Nolan and when we both get home from work at night, all I want to do is hang out with him. This usually involves cooking and cleaning up dinner and then doing some activity until its time to get ready for bed! So I guess there is my answer..I am not working on my list! What's on your "to do" list? Not that anyone cares...but I had to come up with a fun way to organize my list..why not blog it??? In no particular order folks:

1. Clean my house-every last bit of it...bathroom, bedroom, vacum, laundry, clean out fridge ect.

2. Wash and clean out my car

3. work on my boutique stuff for the fair

4. Exercise

5. Plan our anniversary

6. Take back stuff to the mall and to walmart

7. Find a swimsuit

8. Take care of the bill hanging on the fridge

9. Get a baby shower gift

10. Organize my craft stuff

11. Call my mom

12. Make dinner

13. Organize the pantry

14. Water the plants

15. Shower and get ready for the day

16. call the dentist for my hurting jaw

17. plan and organize our free chicago trip courtesy of the army

18. fix the hole in my purse

19. take pictures of a cutie pie wearing my boutique attire

20. Play with and entertain my little guy WILL

21. realize that this list is going to take sometime and that it will never have an ending...but that what a great way to keep me busy this weekend while Nolan is at drill!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Military Ball i.e. (Dining out)

This weekend we had the opportunity to go to what is called a "Dining Out". We had to dress in formal attire and follow strict rules. It was so fun to get dressed up for a prom-like evening with my husband! To give a little background to understand the pictures: There is a ceremonial thing called a "grog bowl" during the ceremony a number of men bring a bottle of alcohol and say a few words about a signifacant part of the army and then dump the alcohol in a big bowl. Needless to say this turns into quite the mixture and flavors of alcohol. For those of us who don't drink there is a Non-alcoholic one mixtures include: Milk, fruit juice, lemon juice, V8, tabasco sauce ect. It is gross! Then while giving the toasts the men must drink the grog! Also if they break a rule they must also drink from it. I actually tasted it and it was Nasty!!!

The evening was actually pretty entertaining and totally different from anything I have ever been to. Everyone must ask permission to talk to the "president" and all sorts of mandatory rules. There was dinner and dancing, and mandatory toasts, Nolan was asked to give a toast to the ladies! He did a great job! I am so proud of his service and bravery thanks babe!

Lets start by seeing how amazingly HANDSOME this young man is!

SO Hot..gotta love a man in uniform!

Gettin ready to go!

Nothin better than a kiss from my soldier!

Sista STACI!! (the softball champ)

Awww..auntie Jani with Brylie Bug!
Me just admiring how handsome he is!

Bryan, Maile, and Brylie our awesome friends and neighbors supporting us and seeing us off!

Oh the grog bowls....YUCK!
Can you see all of them plugging their noses?

The ladies

The strapping young soldiers!

Nolan's group

Our army friends: us, AnnElise -Tim, Julie-Tanner
Thanks again to all you soldiers who serve our country! This night was just another reminder to me how grateful and proud I am to my wonderful husband...Sergeant Nolan Poulson!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Late Birthday Post

April 30th was Birthday..I turned 23 and I now understand why all these years, older people would say I hate getting older! Well i do too! Despite the getting older part my birthday was awesome! On my actual birthday I took the day off, Nolan had flowers delivered to my door in the morning...(this is a tradition he started way back when we were dating) SO CUTE! Than we went and got a couples massage and hung out. For dinner we went to Tepanyaki it is one of my absolute favorites! It was an awesome day. On sunday we celebrated it with my family. My mom made a FABULOUS meal. She made CAFE RIO SWEET PORK SALADS!! SHe even had to start the night before it was a BIG process and a lot of hard work! AND OOo it was SOO good it tasted so much like the real thing! THANKS MOM!! We opened presents and had a pinata!! It was a blast! 6 young adults at a pinata watch out! Thanks family for a nice birthday!

Birthday girl with the hot hubby!

Savvy playing in the wrapping paper!

New skirt!
Ok this is hilarious! None of us wanted to wear a thing around our eyes so this is how we got dizzy!! Nolan of course knocked the pinata out of the park on his first try! There was candy, toys, and money in it!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A little catch up...

Two weekends ago we went to the MOTOCROSS!! Nolan LOVES motorcycles and has been riding since he was just tiny! He really wanted to go and I wasn't the most thrilled. To my surprise and Nolan's great excitement...I LOVED IT!! It was really really fun! I love to watch Nolan get excited about the things he loves. Thanks babe for expanding my horizons! It was fun!

You have to be "hard core" when you go to these things!

The starting line

The cool smoke ring!

The track

It did get pretty cold that night!

Friday, May 1, 2009

WHY do I like this so much?

Ramen of my favorite things unfortunately. Forget the candybars, cookies, or treats, this is my guilty pleasure. This stuff is chuck full of sodium and has quite a few calories, and pretty much has no nutritional value whatsoever. WHY DO I HAVE TO LIKE IT SO MUCH? Chicken, Oriental, and Beef are the flavors I love. I am very picky on how I prepare it, the noodles have to be cooked so they are still firm, and has to have just the right amount of broth. Mmmm... So I decided the next time I have the flu I am going to eat ramen and hopefully throw it up that way I won't like it anymore! I am proud to say we have only had this for dinner once in our entire married life and it was this week! Well it looks like I will have to just try and eat it SPARINGLY because it's in the sugar, oils, and fats area of MY FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID. I would give up chocolate any day for this! I consider it my treat. I am pathetic!