The juggling act: Lately my mind has been OVER COME by "to do's" is that because I am not working on the list, or because there is too much on the list? Maybe a mixture of both! I think a part of it is that I can't get enough of Nolan and when we both get home from work at night, all I want to do is hang out with him. This usually involves cooking and cleaning up dinner and then doing some activity until its time to get ready for bed! So I guess there is my answer..I am not working on my list! What's on your "to do" list? Not that anyone cares...but I had to come up with a fun way to organize my list..why not blog it??? In no particular order folks:
1. Clean my house-every last bit of it...bathroom, bedroom, vacum, laundry, clean out fridge ect.
2. Wash and clean out my car
3. work on my boutique stuff for the fair
4. Exercise
5. Plan our anniversary
6. Take back stuff to the mall and to walmart
7. Find a swimsuit
8. Take care of the bill hanging on the fridge
9. Get a baby shower gift
10. Organize my craft stuff
11. Call my mom
12. Make dinner
13. Organize the pantry
14. Water the plants
15. Shower and get ready for the day
16. call the dentist for my hurting jaw
17. plan and organize our free chicago trip courtesy of the army
18. fix the hole in my purse
19. take pictures of a cutie pie wearing my boutique attire
20. Play with and entertain my little guy WILL
21. realize that this list is going to take sometime and that it will never have an ending...but that what a great way to keep me busy this weekend while Nolan is at drill!