Tuesday, March 31, 2009


My sweet hubby has been competing the last few months in the best warrior competition at several levels. Because I don't really understand all the army lingo and the order of all the levels I will just say it in plain and simple ENGLISH terms. Nolan competed first in Ogden with his unit, than went to a higher level somewhere else, then this weekend flew to Washington as the only soldier from his unit and competed. The soldiers get tested in many different areas such as land navigation, rifle range, and then they go before a board and answer army knowledge questions. He did so well and he won a "soldier of the year" award/medal. Nolan I just have to brag about you because I am so proud of you and as hard as it is, and as much as I hate the army I LOVE YOU and am SO PROUD OF YOU and your strength and courage. Thanks for serving our country and doing your best! CONGRATS and I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Retreat 2009

Scrapbook Retreat 2009--aka "The best day ever!"
My mother in law is a DIE HARD scrapbooker, every year, twice a year, she gets us tickets to a scrapbook retreat in Salina. I have opted out for only once a year because I just can't handle the intensity of 2 a year :) It is so fun to spend time with my sister in-laws and mom in-law! We go from 9:00 a.m. (well Debbie has us go an hour early to get a good spot) till 6:00 p.m. This is a full 9 hour day! Literally you scrapbook the ENTIRE time and only stop for the lunch they bring in for you! You get SOO many pages done..and your body ACHES by the time your done..but WORTH it! Thanks DEBBIE for letting us have so much fun together!

Melissa had tshirts made for us this year SO CUTE! On the back they say "the best day ever!" That is what Debbie squeeled one year while getting super excited about some products she had purchased..and it has become a family saying (mocking is more like it)

Debbie on her scrapbook HIGH

Hard at work!

Melissa loving all 9 hours!

Jenny measuring her ribbon according to the directions!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Perks of having a photographer in the fam!

So my brother took these pictures for us and did an amazing job! We love them. I have posted them on facebook and a few on the blog already so I wasn't going to do a whole post about them, but my life is boring and there was nothing else to blog about! So here they are and if you want his website it's brandonpaynephotography.blogspot.com

Man I have the most gorgeous husband ever!

This is my favorite of Nolan he looks so handsome!

This is Nolan's favorite and I think mine too!

Thanks Bran!