We had so much fun at all our ports!! The water was beautiful, the sun was shining, the sand was SOO soft, and I was with Nolan and good friends. It was so relaxing!
1st STOP: Bahamas, Half Moon Cay
This was by FAR my favorite port. I have never seen anything like this in real life, I thought it only existed on T.V. It was the bluest water I have ever seen! The boys went snorkeling and Em and I soaked up some rays and swam. It was amazing!

The boys were so funny in their gear. I think they look cute!

He is getting pumped up in case he sees a shark!

Playing in Paradise!

Mini palm trees.
St. Thomas was interesting...I was totally enjoying the blue water and swimming, until I look down and see what we thought was a stick..A MOVING STICK..with a pointed long nose. It looked like a snake with a sword fish nose! I was out! It freaked me out and I was not going to be swimming next to snake things! So we went over to another beach and it was pretty and we had fun playing in the water and enjoyed some great pizza on the beach.

I didn't get a ton of pictures here...but look at how pretty the water is!

Me and my man!
Puerto Rico was Nolan's favorite port. He loves the old cobble stone city feel. In Puerto Rico we walked around the old city, and shopped and did some sight seeing. Nolan got quite artistic with the camera here and took TONS of pictures of the city. And lots of black and white photos.

Loved this sight. Old architecture. Kisses. View of the rain forest.

This was a cool plaza that entertained the boys for awhile. There were tons of pigeons and a crazy man who walked up to me and said "don't take your clothes of here please!" I quickly rebutted and said "I'M NOT!" He then he said "do you have a husband?" (I was getting nervous) Then at that very second Nolan came to my rescue FAST! I gave him an attitude and said "YEP, and here he is!"

I LOVE THIS PICTURE-by Nolan Poulson

Yea it was weird to have Christmas lights on these little trees. There was no snow, just beach, and Heat, and what do ya know..Christmas decorations..WEIRD

The small streets of Puerto Rico

Mr. Jolly Belly Man

The children teasing the pigeons.

Nolan is all about authenticity. He is interested in getting the "real experiences" of different places. That means eating and authentic places...NOT HARD ROCK.
Nolan found a stand on the side of the road and decided to give some Authentic Puerto Rican food a try. He got this sandwich that looked nasty..HE ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! He made me try it and I have to say it was pretty good! Yet another reason he loved P.R. so much!
OH YEA.....WE GOT JIPPED and didn't make it to Grand Turk! Are you sensing some anger in my voice? Just a little? We were SOOO disappointed we weren't able to go to our last port. We got an announcement on the speaker "Due to a medical emergency on board we are turning around and returning to Puerto Rico. (this is about 4 hours after leaving P.R.) We didn't think anything of it...about 4 hours later another announcement: "Due to the hours lost we will be missing our port to Grand Turk." Yea, it was a huge disappointment. We were planning on doing para sailing and maybe some jet skiing there. We were looking forward to this our whole trip. But I guess someone was in need and hopefully they are o.k. because they made thousands of people miss their port. :)
Over all we had a great time and it was SOO nice to spend 24 hours a day with Nolan! I already miss those sandy beaches and blue waters when I look outside to the snow.