This last weekend I had a blast having a sleepover with my cousins 5 little girls! Aren't they so stinking cute! Do you see those smiles? They were like that the WHOLE time! It was so much fun they are so spunky and told me story after story, sang me songs, (they have the "happy working song" from Enchanted ALL memorized it was my favorite!) they kept me laughing all night! Thanks for letting me steal your girls Greg and Cherry! We started the night with painting toenails..I forgot to take a pic. but then we did this: each one of us put our name in a bowl and I gave them all one dollar to spend on the person you drew out of the bowl, so it was off to All a Dollar! Secret Sister Dollars
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:58 AM 7 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
My little boy at heart!
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:28 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
One of my dear friends Emily is getting married in December and we had a bridal shower for her this weekend! It was so fun to see everyone, talk to her about wedding plans, and see how happy she is! I am so excited for her she has a great guy! I have also been over helping her at her new little place! SO cute and so fun to start making it a home putting up curtains, and running to the store 5 times in the same night, eating dinner on the floor, and finding spiders! It's so cute! All the girls!
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:08 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cool Tag!
So this tag your supposed to go into your pictures file and go to the 3rd file, then the 3rd picture and tell about it! Kinda cool huh? Thanks Natalie!
So this is the 3rd picture in my file. This was taken on Valentines Day (our first one spent together) Nolan was so amazingly cute! He texted me about every two hours while I was at work telling me where to look i.e. in the middle console of the car, in the visor, glove box, and to my surprise everytime i would find a sweet card from him! Then the day continued full of surprises, he had flowers delivered to my work! Than I came home and there was a card on the bed telling me we were going to dinner, we went to Tepanyaki's my favorite! SO when I came home this is what I found the whole family room and stairs covered in rose petals, candles everywhere! And a picnic cake (my favorite kinds!) How sweet is that!!! I know right..? I am so lucky! So this is a picture of us on that night!And of course a follow up picture so you can see the details! This light really doesn't do it justice with all the sparkling candles but we had turn on the lights to take the picture!
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:13 AM 4 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween was so much fun! We went to my parents house to make scones and homemade rootbeer, and eat homemade chicken noodle soup! We had a lot of fun hanging out with the fam and handing out candy! Right before we left Nolan was acting so giddy, it was hilarious and I told him, you act exactly like a kid waiting to go trick or treating! I love it he is such a nerd! The nerd himself ready to go!
Posted by The Poulson's at 2:22 PM 12 comments