Another wonderful semester has started up at Weber, and for anyone who knows me knows that I am not the best student. Well I will admit that since starting the Parson Construction Management Program I have really started to enjoy school. There is however a worm in every apple. Math is my worm! I knew it would happen, and thankfully with my degree I am only reguired the basic math classes. I am in one of those classes now! It has been awhile since I took math so I am a bit out of touch, but I just don't get why we need to learn about imaginary numbers and do all these equations that make no sense at all just to find out that they can't be sloved or that the answer is not really a number. And what's up with graphs? Seriously When will I ever have to use that? I dont care what teachers say, I WILL NEVER USE 75% OF THE STUFF THEY TEACH US, IN MY CAREER.....MARK MY WORDS. I know that is a bold statement, but seriously people let's be honest in most careers you do basic math and even then you are plugging in the numbers into a simple equation. I know that math is important but at the same time in alot of applications it is impractical. Regardless I am in the class and thanks to a good friend, thanks Nick, I am starting to understand some of it, and might Just make it through this semester of math. Luckily I am enjoying my other classes. Boo math.....Hooray History!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So yesterday I came home from a haircut, IN TEARS! I hated it!! This is probably my 4th haircut in a row that has ended this way! Each time I have gone to someone different because I just can't seem to find a good hairdresser that will actually listen to what I want. I am really beginning to think that maybe I have the problem.
I tell them what I want and even show pictures with my explaination; then I ask if that makes sense..of course they tell me yes; than I ask if that will work with my hair? Well needless to say it NEVER works and I promise I don't have too high of expectations. For example, yesterday I go in with a very cute picture of a non cleberity (natalie and dave's sister) and say this is about what I want done with my hair. It was a picture with hair about 2 inches longer than the shoulder, with some slightly choppy layers. I realize that it's hard to say I want it exactly like this picture, so I prepared myself and knew it wouldn't look exactly like it I was fine with that. Well my hair is now above my shoulders, in an "A-line" that looks not even remotely like what I explained and gave a visual aid for!!!
I know I keep venting and I am sorry I am almost done. But, when you get a less than desireable haircut it's hard to swollow because it takes 4 or 5 months to grow it back! (sad part is..I already had this type of a haircut and I have been working for months to grow it it's back to square 1) So there is my sob story (literally) Will there ever be an end insight? Hopefully I will be able to find someone. But you can only go up from here RIGHT?
And thanks to Nolan for being such a good husband and trying to comfort me when I was upset and crying about something as little as hair..poor guy can't understand. He just smiled and said: "I actually really like it, I know it's not what you wanted but it's cute and you look HOT!" (He loves short hair so I knew HE would atleast like it) And also thanks to my mom who tried so hard to make me feel better even when I was being a bit unreasonable in the moment.
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:50 AM 11 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
We were so excited to spend our first summer together this year! We had so much fun and enjoyed our time with family and friends! We finally got to do all the little things we dreamed of..(camping, vacations, Lake Powell with the family, and Summer!) Here are some pictures from a few of our first summer memories.
Bear Lake Camping
Posted by The Poulson's at 1:27 PM 7 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The sweetest thing......
Posted by The Poulson's at 11:29 AM 4 comments
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:17 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Offical Enterance...
We have offically entered the blogging world! After many pleas from our family and friends to get a blog we caved! This should be a fun way to keep everyone updated on our life's moments. I was hesitant at first because I thought blogging was for those with kids because there is always something to say about kids! Despite the hesitation, we are excited and we will try to keep it fun and interesting. Hope you enjoy it and hang in there while we figure out the ropes of blog spot.
Posted by The Poulson's at 8:00 PM 5 comments